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Smile Makeovers at Our Decatur & Midtown Atlanta Offices

At Dr. Terrance L. Jeter & Associates, we fix badly damaged and worn teeth with restorative procedures known as smile makeovers. Whether you visit our office in Decatur or Midtown Atlanta, GA, our dental team will assess your smile and create a custom plan to restore it. Patients with crooked smiles, damaged teeth, and missing teeth are all possible candidates for this procedure. The benefits of a smile makeover make your visits well-worth the investment. Getting this procedure will help you maintain a healthy mouth and protect your jawbone and teeth from further damage and dental issues. It will also restore your smile to flawless rows of beautiful teeth. With a pain-free and beautiful smile comes a boost in your self-confidence, giving you the motivation to socialize and show off your pearly whites.

laughing woman

The Full-Mouth Restoration Process

Each patient has unique oral health needs and goals when it comes to smile makeovers. At Dr. Terrance L. Jeter & Associates, we customize your treatment plan to include only the procedures that benefit your smile. Some things to expect during the process include the following:

  • You may need just one or several visits during the process, which depends on the various types of procedures we need to perform.
  • The dentist will keep you informed about each procedure throughout the process, including a breakdown of what to expect and answer any questions you may have.
  • For each procedure, we may use an anesthetic to numb the affected areas. This step ensures you stay comfortable and don’t feel anything while we work.
  • After each step of your smile makeover, we will give you instructions on how to care for your mouth as it heals and recovers. With proper attention and care, your smile makeover will provide you with long-lasting results you’ll proudly show off.

Extensive Training & Experience to Treat Your Teeth

Smile makeovers are a complex and comprehensive treatment process involving multiple procedures that require a diverse dental skillset and ample experience. Dr. Terrance L. Jeter & Associates’s professional team has extensive training and expertise in the procedures necessary to rebuild your smile. With our help, you can enjoy beautiful teeth, as well as excellent oral health and function. Let us give you the long-lasting results you deserve.

Cosmetic & Family Dental Care
You Can Count on

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