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Don’t Lose Your 2024 Benefits! MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY and get $200 off any procedure excluding X-rays and Exams!

Affordable Financing & Insurance Options

Getting the dental care you need is important, so Dr. Terrance L. Jeter & Associates strives to help keep your appointments and procedures affordable. At our offices in Midtown Atlanta and Decatur, GA, we offer comprehensive insurance and financing options to ensure your routine visits and dental trauma get the attention they need immediately. You should never neglect your oral health because it’s too expensive. Dr. Jeter and our caring dental team are ready to maintain your clean mouth or fix a broken tooth with payment and financing options that fit your budget. Before beginning any procedure, we’ll gladly explain all the costs and break down the applicable fees. Payment is due at the time of service, so call us with any questions you have about how we can make your dental care an affordable service whenever you need it.

Happy Asian family laying on bed in bedroom

Insurance Plans We Accept at Our Atlanta & Decatur Offices

To ensure your dental care gets covered and minimizes your financial obligations, Dr. Terrance L. Jeter & Associates accepts most major PPO dental insurance plans at both our offices. Whether you’re visiting Dr. Jeter in Decatur or Midtown Atlanta, GA, we want you to get the treatments you need to achieve and maintain your best oral health and appearance. Our staff will strive to ensure you get the maximum coverage from your insurance benefits. Still, you may also encounter payments on your end that include copays, deductibles, or co-insurance. Please note that you are ultimately responsible for the cost of your dental care. When you visit either of our offices, be sure to bring your insurance information so that we can do everything we can to get your dental appointments and procedures covered. If you have any questions about insurance or your responsibilities to seek coverage for dental care, give us a call to speak with a member of our staff.

Variety of Insurance Plans

Dr. Terrance L. Jeter & Associates helps to keep your treatments affordable by accepting a wide variety of insurance plans, including the following:

  • Ameritas
  • Aetna
  • Cigna
  • Careington
  • Anthem BC/BS
  • Delta Dental
  • Guardian
  • MetLife
  • Lincoln
  • Humana
  • Principal Life
  • United Healthcare
  • GEHA
  • Liberty
  • Sunlife/Dentaquest
  • Tricare
  • United Concordia
  • Medicare

Cover Your Dental Treatment With CareCredit®

Dr. Terrance L. Jeter & Associates accepts many forms of payment for your dental care, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, cash, and checks. If your necessary dental procedure is an expense you can’t cover upfront, we offer CareCredit® as a reliable method of financing your appointments. This method gives you flexible payment options and makes your treatment a more affordable endeavor. When you use CareCredit® to finance your procedures, you can pay off the amount over time to keep your dental expenses more manageable. This flexibility allows you to receive the treatment you need when you need it without worrying about how to pay for it. Let CareCredit® help you focus on keeping a beautiful, healthy smile.

Cosmetic & Family Dental Care
You Can Count on

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