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Don’t Lose Your 2024 Benefits! MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY and get $200 off any procedure excluding X-rays and Exams!

Patient Resources at Dr. Terrance L. Jeter & Associates

We’ve created a cosmetic and family dental practice that puts your smile out there–front and center–for everyone to see. You’ll love the results that we can get with our combination of latest technology and experienced, caring dental professionals. Please review our patient resources in preparation for your appointment with our dentist.

We invite you to call our Midtown office at 470-428-4240  or our Decatur location at 404-289-2772 if you have any questions about comprehensive dentistry in the greater Atlanta area. Dr. Jeter and team look forward to meeting you soon!

Cosmetic & Family Dental Care
You Can Count on

Call Decatur Call Midtown Atlanta