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Don’t Lose Your 2024 Benefits! MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY and get $200 off any procedure excluding X-rays and Exams!

Welcome to Our Practice!

It is our goal to provide you with outstanding dental care and premier customer service. We love to serve our patients and appreciate their loyalty. Our entire team strives for you to have a pleasant experience in our warm, friendly environment. To help make you comfortable during your visits, we offer services including flat screen tv’s in every room, a coffee bar, and a warm greeting upon arrival. We also offer advanced technology including Free Digital Smile Makeovers, so come on in to get your free consultation.

staff photo

Come Get to Know Our Team

Please let us know how we can best serve your needs. That is what we are here for! We enjoy maintaining your oral health, enhancing your existing smile or creating a new one specially designed just for you. We have noticed over the past 30 years of practicing dentistry that a beautiful smile creates confidence and changes people’s lives. This is what we are passionate about!

Dr. Terrance L. Jeter and Associates are always accepting new patients and welcome you to our dental family. It is an honor to take care of our new and existing patients.

Thank you for allowing us to create Your Joyful Smile! Make your appointment today!

Cosmetic & Family Dental Care
You Can Count on

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