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Dental Implants in Decatur & Midtown Atlanta, GA

Losing teeth can be a devastating experience, whether they are lost due to trauma, illness, injury, or poor oral health. When you lose a tooth, you not only suffer a gap that can impact your ability to eat and the health of remaining teeth, but you also lose the confidence to smile and socialize. In other words, it can have negative repercussions that affect your whole life. The caring professionals at the offices of Dr. Terrance L. Jeter & Associates strive to ensure that every patient finds options for tooth replacement that help them return to their normal lives with restored oral health and functionality, as well as the confidence that comes with a radiant smile.

Senior woman smiles at the camera

Dental Implant Restorations

Dental implants are an exciting alternative to traditional dentures because they offer a permanent restoration. Whereas dentures are removable, dental implants are affixed to the jawbone. Optimal oral health is a prerequisite to the procedure, but if you are deemed a good candidate, you will first receive a titanium screw that bonds with the jaw bone, forming a stable base for the replacement tooth. From there, a custom false tooth is attached to the post, filling the gap in your smile.

Implant Dentures

Implant dentures have significant advantages over traditional dentures. When a patient is missing all or most of their teeth, dentures are made to replace them. Customary dentures simply rest on your gum tissue, and they often move about and slip out of place. By first placing implants in the bone, the implant denture can now “snap” into place on top of implant attachments.

The implants give the denture improved stability and greater chewing strength!

Another desirable benefit of implants, when used with dentures and partials, is that the implants preserve the bone. This is critical because the pressure on gums under a traditional denture causes the underlying bone to shrink. This loss of bone can make it very difficult to wear dentures later on in the future.

Get Your Smile Restoration Underway

Although dental implants are more expensive than dentures, patients will enjoy added value. The post replaces the roots of the tooth, ensuring that the jaw bone won’t deteriorate after tooth loss. Further, dental implants look and function the same as natural teeth. You can eat, drink, brush, and floss normally without fear.

When you’re ready to discuss smile restoration following tooth loss, don’t hesitate to seek advice and treatment from the qualified dental professionals at the offices of Dr. Terrance L. Jeter & Associates. Contact us today at 404-289-2772 to schedule an appointment and get your smile restoration underway.

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