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Fixing Teeth in Midtown Atlanta, GA with Cosmetic Bonding

Dr. Terrance L. Jeter & Associates’s team of dental professionals wants you to enjoy your smile, and our cosmetic bonding treatment allows us to fix unsightly dental imperfections. Your teeth may have stains, chips, cracks, or gaps that you wish to resolve for a perfect smile. Our offices in Decatur and Midtown Atlanta, GA offer bonding to quickly and effectively restore your teeth to a flawless finish. The process involves applying a tooth-colored composite material directly to your teeth to make aesthetic improvements and repairs. When our highly-skilled team performs it, dental bonding gives you excellent and long-lasting results on your tooth repairs or enhancements, and it blends perfectly with your mouth. Our dental staff has helped countless patients achieve a beautiful smile using this safe and pain-free treatment option.

laughing woman

What to Expect with Dental Bonding

We can complete most cases of cosmetic bonding within a single visit, and you won’t need any anesthetic treatment for this minimally invasive procedure. The process for bonding involves the following steps:

  1. To begin this treatment, we use a special cleansing solution to prepare your tooth for the application.
  2. After preparing the affected areas, we apply the composite resin to your tooth. This composite resin will be shaded to match your desired tooth color.
  3. We then shape and sculpt the material so that it achieves a natural look.
  4. Once the aesthetic effect is achieved, we use a special curing light to harden the composite resin.
  5. After we’ve hardened the material, we polish your bonding to give it a smooth and seamless finish.
  6. The bonding treatment blends perfectly with your teeth, and it looks like a natural part of your smile.

Perfect Your Smile at Dr. Terrance L. Jeter & Associates

The caring team at Dr. Terrance L. Jeter & Associates performs cosmetic bonding to help you achieve the perfect smile you deserve. If you’re in the Decatur or Atlanta area and wish to correct staining and other dental imperfections, we’ll gladly discuss your concerns and expectations and help you select a cosmetic treatment that suits your needs.

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